Thursday, June 09, 2005

Beesball Draft Notes

More draft notes from It's official - Austin Jackson made the call to Coach Hewitt to tell him his hoops career is over. Coach Hewitt, as always, was focusing on the kid's future:

"People have the wrong idea about college coaches," Hewitt said. "We all the feel the same way. We all take the approach that it's about what's best for the young man's future. Most of us are financially secure and comfortable with where we are in our lives. So I told him, 'Whatever you want to do, I want to support you."

Meanwhile, this article touches on an interesting point for those Jackets who DIDN'T get drafted - how to keep their spirits up heading into the super-regional Friday against Tenn:

Catcher Andy Hawranick and outfielder Jeff Kindel were anticipating having to make that decision as well. But neither was drafted, leaving Hall to worry about the impact that could have on two key players.