Saturday, August 13, 2005

Well, Braine showing some fight

Well, evidently it's time to stop telling the NCAA how guily we are and time to start fighting for our ourselves. The fight is the difference between "lack of institutional control" versus "failure to monitor". Tech has paid a law firm $9,600 to prepare a 90-page filing ........For me, that is a good thing. Admitting violations is one thing, recommending harsh over-blown penalties is another. Here is the fact - Georgia Tech doesn't have hardly any experience dealing with the NCAA around violations --------- and it shows. Tech fans will realize that this whole thing will be an important learning experience for the administration. When UGA gets off with lighter penalties for their blatant and purposeful violations in hoops than we do for poor monitoring and misinterpretation of rules, something is wrong. So good for Dave Braine.

One side note - this does not mean no probation. Per the AJC article, all 24 schools found guilty of "failure to monitor" were put on probation. That just sucks..............

On a side note, here's another case that seems a lot worse, a lot more blatent, but worth watching in light of our situation.........