Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Here we go again...

... with this debate on graduation rates and the media citing statistics without doing any background checking - link here.

Last week, the NCAA released a report on athlete graduation rates, and the numbers were not too bad. Division I-A football players are graduating at about the same rate as non-athletes -- around 60 percent. Men"s basketball players are still below average, at 44 percent, but there are signs of improvement. Transfer students aren"t counted as graduates, so both numbers should really be a little higher. By the way, Cornell"s overall graduation rate is about 90 percent.

However, at some schools, things are really bad, and I don"t think a few transfer students are to blame. At Georgia Tech, only 19 percent of men"s basketball players graduate. Nineteen percent. Think about that. How many guys are even on a college basketball team? Does this mean 0.4 players graduate each year?