Mention of Vitale and Muhammad - link here.
I believe Vitale truly does feel he has the best job in America. When he declares that Duke's Cameron Indoor Stadium is going to be "rocking and rolling," it's because he loves it when Cameron Indoor Stadium is rocking and rolling. When he calls Georgia Tech's Isma'il Muhammad a "high-riser," it's because he truly gets a kick out of watching Muhammad fly through the air and dunk. When he repeats the rhetorical question, "Are you kidding me? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" after somebody pulls off some amazing feat on the court, it's because he truly believes he was just a witness to something special.If the guy wasn't such and Duke and Carolina homer I probably wouldn't mind listening to him.
So before you dismiss Vitale after he finds yet another coach who "can flat-out coach", go easy on the guy. You could be listening to Bill Walton.