Calvin Johnson signs a big deal with the Lions, which should guarantee a lifetime of financial security with somewhere in the neighborhood of 26MM in guaranteed money. He's already at camp catching passes this morning after signing the deal at 8:00am.......... Time to talk about stuff on the field now CJ.
It is an absolute glorious day when you see that two of your most beloved GT collegiate sports figures get their degrees. These guys have done it. It's funny, the general rule people believe is that when an athlete leaves prior to finishing his degree, he/she talks about coming back - says it will happen - but it never does. "It never really happens" is something I've seen written on more than one occasion. Well, it happened......... and it happened to two great guys - Brian Oliver and Joe Hamilton. I was there when Lethal Weapon Three terrorized opponents and I watched in amazement at what Little Joe could do with a football. Congratulations gentleman. Congratulations college graduates!
"Basketball has been a really big part of my life, but me getting my degree is much bigger than me," Oliver said, explaining that he hopes he can set an example for other athletes. "This is right up there after my marrying my wife."
"By doing this ... not only do I solidify myself as being a total person and starting what I finish, but it also symbolizes to me that I can set a precedent," Hamilton said. "Maybe somebody else can go back and say, 'I can do it because Joe did it.' "