Thursday, November 13, 2003

Notre Dame NOW wants into ACC - True Story

Check this out friends. From the USA Today, Notre Dame is now inquiring about full entry into the ACC. Well isn't this interesting. There is a part of me that just cherishes the idea of having ND in the conference. Talk about a conference with prestige and history adding a great program like ND. There is another side of me that says "screw'em". They had their chance and blew it. They wanted their cake and eat it too - now they can just eat it!

I want to pull up a quote from yours truly right on this website from

September 28:
Notre Dame better decide what horse they want to ride and not let the race pass them by.

October 2:
They'll be looking for a conference once their TV contract runs out. Mark it down.

So is 13 the lucky number? What do you think? Should the ACC add Notre Dame????