Monday, March 21, 2005

"Funny what you remember"....

...very nice article about Coach Gailey from a Texas paper, where of course he coached the Cowboys.

Of Landry's five successors, Gailey was most like the original Cowboys coach. He didn't send players to the "asthma field" or call them "she." He told me he couldn't imagine belittling anyone in front of others. Still, he'd tell them what they needed to hear. "My place," he said, "is to be honest and truthful with them."

Do you say that as a coach or a Christian? "You can't separate the two."

He looked you in the eye when he talked, and he looked you in the eye when he was listening. The effect was palpable. You ended up saying more than you intended, or that's the only way I can explain it.

Coach is thankful to be returning......