While the temperature up here in the Twin Cities is inhospitable (25 degrees on October 1--ouch), the locals aren't towards former GT coach O'Leary judging by this article that follows-up on Scott's mention below. It's nice to hear that O'Leary isn't (at least publicly) bitter about the Notre Dame dis. Let this be a lesson to other coaches who try to leave the house that Dodd built...
As for Saturday, I'm going to go with a 42-24 loss to the Pack. I don't think that Rivers is as good as the hype, but our secondary was exposed for the typical Tech secondary it is against Clemson and they will be picked apart. If Ball can go toe-to-toe with the Heisman candidate, it would be impressive, even in a loss. I know this sounds negative, but this was a game that I picked us to lose, so a win would be a bonus. Honestly, I'm still looking for that fourth win after Duke (UNC maybe?) until I see evidence to the contrary. Can you say 'rebuilding?'
By the way, how about that Jason Varitek solo shot against the A's tonight? It's nice to see him and Nomar highlighted in the playoffs on national TV, even if the Sox don't have a chance against the pitching strong Athletics (my opinion).
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
O'Leary Article and NCSU Prediction
Posted by Walt at Wednesday, October 01, 2003